Thanks to the innovative Patterns developed in Sentinet3, it is possible to monitor at the same time hundreds of parameters for more complex servers with a simple click.

In this article we will show you what you can do on WebLogic.

WebLogic is one of the most used Application Server compatible with the J2EE platform in today's market. Its monitoring is essential for the functionality of the proper applications.

Sentinet3 offers a customized package for its monitoring, the “Sentinet3 WebLogic Pattern”.
Through the WabLogic Pattern each administrator will be able to check if the server is up and have specific information on its load, the same Pattern will provide information about the behavior of the different components of a WebLogic server in particular it will be able to monitor the performance and J2EE/Java health applications running on it.


  • FailuresToReconnectCount checks the number of times that the connection pool has failed to reconnect to a data store
  • ConnectionDelayTime checks the average time that it was necessary to connect to a connection pool
  • ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount checks the number of active connections in a JDBC connection pool
  • ActiveConnectionsHighCount checks maximum number of active connections in a JDBC connection pool.
  • LeakedConnectionsCount checks the total number of connections that have occurred outside, but not restored to the connection pool
  • CurrCapacity checks the current number of connections to the database in JDBC connection pool
  • NumAvailable checks the number of available sessions in the session pool that are not currently in use
  • WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount checks the current number of requests waiting for a connection to the connection pool


  • AccessTotalCount checks the the total number of attempts to get an instance from the free pool EJB
  • BeansInCurrentUseCount checks the number of instances currently in use
  • CachedBeansCurrentCount checks the total number of beans that are cached execution
  • ActivationCount checks the number of beans that have been activated
  • PassivationCount checks the total number of EJBs that have been removed from the cache execution
  • CacheAccessCount checks the total number of attempts to access an EJB running from the cache
  • CacheMissCount checks the total number of failed attempts to access an EJB from the cache execution


  • HeapSizeCurrent checks the amount of memory, in bytes, that is located in the server JVM WebLogic
  • HeapFreeCurrent checks the amount of free memory, in bytes, that is located in the server JVM WebLogic
  • OpenSocketsCurrentCount checks the current number of sockets that are open on the server and receiving requests
  • AcceptBacklog checks the number of requests waiting for a TCP connection
  • ExecuteThreadCurrentIdleCount checks the number of threads in the run queue of the server that are inactive or that are not used to process data
  • PendingRequestCurrentCount checks the number of outstanding requests that are in the run queue of the server
  • TransactionCommittedTotalCount checks the total number of transactions that have been processed by the WebLogic Server
  • TransactionRolledBackTotalCount checks the total number of transactions that have been canceled
  • InvocationTotalCount checks the number of times that a servlet running on WebLogic Server was invoked
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