Fata Informatica, a company that has been active for over twenty years in the field of computer technologies and telecommunications, announces its participation at  COMEX, IT. Telecom and Technology Show, scheduled from  27 Aprile to 1 Maggio 2015 at the International Convention Center of  Muscat, in Oman.


Fata Informatica will be present at the Event Sicurezza del Territorio: Metodi e tecnologie per la prevenzione e la gestione dell'emergenza which will be held on June 4, 2014 at the Fire Prevention Institute in Rome from 9.00 to 13.30.

Here you can find the speech of Dott. Antonio Capobianco held at Workshop on CyberSecurity "Cyber Attack & Cyber Defence: the eternal struggle between attackers and defenders".

Sorry but it's in Italian.


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