Fata Informatica will be present at the Workshop "Cyber Attack & Cyber Defence : the eternal struggle between attackers and defenders " to be held on December the 5th at 8:30 AM in Scuola Trasmissioni e Informatica (SCUTI), via dei Genieri n. 286, Cecchignola (Roma).  

During the event, Dr. Antonio Capobianco will hold a speech on " Cyber Attack prevention with SentiNet3."   where he will illustrate how to use Sentinet3 as a Cybersecurity tool.


The Workshop has the objective to provide exposure of the Cybercrime world situation today ,particularly in Italy ,by involving in some sort of debate, on the one hand qualified experts in cyberattacks ,and on the other Representatives of Defence , Industry and University engaged in identifying cyberdefence solutions, development and implementation.

The Roundtable scheduled for the end of the workshop , attended by representatives of the two "sides " will highlight essential predictions and expectations to try to ensure a better future for all "safe" future for all .

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