From now monitor VMware is easier thanks to the adoption of a control designed to work in depth on  ESX (i), vSphere, vCenter and VirtualCenter.
This control is able to deeply monitor the Host Server and all the virtual machines running on it. 

 The control thanks to VMware API is able to provide the following parameters:

Cybersecurity is a set of security standards which enable organizations to practice safe security techniques to minimize the number of successful cyber security attacks. This enables both information protection from destruction, corruption, theft and information availability from end user.

Cybersecurity main goal is IT systems vulnerability reduction that is to say system weakness or flow that can be used to break a security policy.

Network monitoring means measuring network parameters to create statistics and functional analysis.

More specifically network monitoring deals with three of the five functional areas defined by ISO/OSI Network management model: •    Performance monitoring •    Fault monitoring •    Account monitoring Performance monitoring is used to predict network evolution and to determine actual behaviour. This functional area collects data thanks to specific instruments using protocols like SNMP, RMON,NETFLOW. Performance data monitoring is a fundamental step to find out problems before they create network failure. Fault monitoring is used to control network fault that may occur and is in charge of alerting the network administrator. Usually to achieve network devices fault monitoring SNMP protocol is used to alert the Network manager. Account monitoringcollects network usage statistics. This functional area is very important for organizations that bill network traffic.
This document will treat only the first two functional areas.

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