Thanks to the innovative patterns developed in Sentinet3, it is possible to montor at the time sime hundreds of parameters for more complex servers with a simple click.

In this article we will show you what you can do on Microsoft .NET.

.NET is a software development platform and running web applications created by Microsoft, compatible with Windows and in opposition with Java language.

Sentinet3 provides a complete and specific package of checks for .NET to ensure their effectiveness by monitoring the essential parameters, the “Sentinet3 .NET Pattern”.

IT administrators can use this Pattern to monitor the essential parameters of the windows servers on which .NET works such as the ram, cpu, etc, the starting point for a correct troubleshooting, as well as .NET transactions web and slow queries.

With “Sentinet3 .NET Pattern” you can monitor various components including:

The Server

  • Reachability of the machine
  • CPU usage percentage
  • MEM usage
  • Disk usage


.NET parameter

  • MemUsage checks mem usage
  • ErrorPage checks the number of error page
  • ResponseTime checks the response time
  • Availability checks the availability of applications
  • TotalApplicationDomain checks the total number of the applications
  • TimeLoading checks the time loading
  • FailedConnections checks the failed connections
  • ConnectionPool checks the number of connections pool
  • CurrentConnection checks the number of active connections
  • CurrentQueueLength checks current queque length
  • QueueLength checks queque length
  • QueueLengthPerMinute checks queque length per minute
  • CurrentLogicalThreads checks current logical threads
  • CurrentPhysicalThreads checks current physical threads
  • CurrentRecognizedThreads checks current recognized threads
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