Thanks to the innovative Patterns developed in Sentinet3, it is possible to monitor at the same time hundreds of parameters for more complex servers with a simple click.

In this article we will show you what you can do on Tomcat.

Apache Tomcat is the servlet container used in the official reference implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. It provides a software platform for running web applications developed in Java language and its distribution includes the functionality of a web server. It is widely used by customers looking for a scalable open source Java application server.

“Sentinet3 Tomcat Pattern” enters into the merits of the monitoring of Tomcat and provides detailed information on the health and performance of the server and webapp. This capability allows IT administrators to obtain a level of visibility into the resource consumption of both the server and each webapp without recurring to the instruments of their own Tomcat.

The Pattern carries out checks on the Tomcat logs and restores information that assists the administrators in monitoring any exceptions reported in the log and generate alerts. Sentinet3, thanks to the " Sentinet3 Tomcat Pattern", is also able to monitor the Tomcat configuration, allowing, if any changes occur to measure their impact on performance and availability.

“Sentinet3 Tomcat Pattern” checks are:

The Server

  • Reachability of the machine

  • Accessibility port 80 (http request)
  • Accessibility port 443 (https request)

  • Ram checks mem usage percentage
  • Cpu checks cpu usage
  • Disk disk usage

Sentinet3 goes to the "heart" of the system by providing a complete TOMCAT monitoring, running the following checks


  • Access Count checks the number of accesses
  • Cache Size checks the size of the cache (Mb)
  • Hits Count checks hits counter

Data Source

  • Num Active (%) checks the number of active connections in percentage
  • Max Active checks the maximum number of active connections
  • Max Idle checks the maximum number of idle
  • Num Active checks the number of active connections
  • Num Idle checks the number of idle


  • Rejected Sessions (%) checks the percentage of the number of rejected sessions
  • Active Sessions checks the number of active sessions
  • Expired Sessions checks the number of expired sessions
  • Max Active checks the maximum number of active connections
  • Rejected Sessions checks the number of refused connections
  • Session Average Alive Time checks the number of sessions calculated in the mean time
  • Session Counter checks the number of sessions
  • Session Max Alive Time checks Max number of sessions calculated in the maximum time

Thread Pool

  • Current Threads Busy (%) checks current busy threads
  • Current Thread Count checks the number of threads present
  • Current Threads checks the number of threads busy
  • Max Threads checks the maximum number of threads
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